Actions help you track how People Records interact with your nonprofit. You can track involvement of all kinds, ranging from events and volunteer opportunities to board meetings. Actions are completely customizable so that you can easily identify the correct action for each record in your database.
In Julep, Actions have two layers:
- Action Category – This tells the end user the nature of the action. For example, is this action a type of Volunteer activity or Event related.
- Action – This identifies the exact type of Action. For example, they might be Phone Banking, Marches, Service Events, and 5K Runs.
Setting up Action Codes
In order to organize your records, you must first create the action categories and actions. Note: Julep does come with some basic defaults, however, you can modify these as needed.
Click on the People Dashboard from the Main Menu on the left-hand side and then click the button in the top right of the Navigation Bar to open People Settings.
- Select the Action
Note: To easily see all Actions, before viewing Categories, click
. Skip to Step 5 to add Actions.
Note: To easily see all Actions, before viewing Categories, click
- A list of existing Action Categories will appear so that you can view and manage. Click the
button to setup a new Action Category.
- To add, fill out the Action Category and create any Custom Column.
- Custom Columns help you record custom, key aspects about the People Record completing the action. For example, for the Volunteer Category you may want to have a custom field for hours.
- To add a Custom Column, click
- After you add the Custom Column Name and select the Type for the value of the Custom Column
- Text – With text the answer you create a set of look up values for the user to answer
- Number – Add a minimum and maximum range
- Date – Select this if you want the value in a date style
- Click Save when done.
- Next, to add the Action, first select the respective Category by clicking
. Then click
in the Edit Action Category window.
- Click
and add the Action name and Note, if desired:
- Assign Attribute – Assign an Attribute to have one automatically appended to a People Record when this Action is assigned. For more information, read our Attributes guide.
- Custom Columns – in addition to being added at the Category level for all Actions in the category, these can also be created at the action level.
- Click Save when done.
Assigning Actions to People Records
People Profile
When in a People Profile, you can assign Actions. Select the Actions panel to start.
From here, click icon to assign a new one. When you begin to type in the Action field, available Actions will appear in a drop down for you to select. Once an Action is selected, the appropriate Custom Columns will appear.
Additional fields are:
- Action Date – This a required field. It will automatically prefill with the current date but can be edited.
- Source Code – You can link a Source Code to an Action. For more information on this code, check out our guide on Fundraising Codes.
- Note – Optional free text
- Attachment - Ability to upload documents.
Once an Action is assigned, it will be listed assigned Actions list. Click to edit and to
Import – Actions Import
When importing an Excel as follow the same import process as you normally would for a new Contacts import, but in Step 2 – Import Type select Action. Before importing, make sure the following Action related columns to import Action information:
- Action Name – Put the Action name here, just the name not the Category.
- Action Date – This is for the Action’s Date. This is required for import.
- Action Source Code – Source Code, not required.
- Action Note – Free text, not required.
Custom Fields – You can import Custom Field information; the custom fields and the values do have to match options that are already in the system. If you have not created them first, you can add them in People Settings. For each custom field use the format below, adding a number for each additional custom field. First, add the Field name, second add the value (look up value, number, or date).
- Action Custom Field 1
- Action Custom Field Value 1
Searching for Actions
Running a search for Actions in Julep uses the same search feature, with filters designed specifically for Actions.
- To find the Action Search, go to the People Dashboard and click on the
icon in the Navigation Bar.
- The search will provide transactional results, meaning a People Record may appear multiple times if they have multiple actions that match the filters.
Action Filters
- Action Category – Search for actions within an Action Category
- Action – Search specific actions
- Having All Action Categoriesand Having All Actions – Similar to the above, but you are searching for what matches ALL of the categories or actions that you list.
- Action Date – Date of the actions
- Action Source Code – Source Code of the actions
- Custom Field Name and Value – Search by the Custom Fields created for the actions. First, add the Custom Field name in the first box, then the second in the Value for the field.
- Custom Field Name and Value Greater Than and Custom Field Name and Value Smaller Than – Same as above but will search for actions that are greater or smaller than the value entered.
- There are also two Suppression filters
- Action – suppresses any actions
- Having All Action Categories – suppresses all actions listed
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