You can use the Quick People Search or full People Search to view and edit an existing People record. To learn more about the quick searches or new search features in Julep, see the Julep – Quick Searches guide or Julep – Search Features guide on our HelpDesk.
The People Profile in Julep segments data into separate panels and includes summary information in each. When a panel is selected, the lower half of the profile will display that panel’s summary details and analytics as well as the list of the records that are being summarized.
- The timeline will display a donor's recent history, showing items like Gifts, Event Participation, Tasks Assigned for that Donor, or Actions.
- Click the
icon to add a new item directly from the Panel. You can add a new Gift Record, Pledge, Event, Note, Task, or Action. You can click on any item within the timeline to access the edit page for the corresponding record.
Edit Most Fields
- Click the Individual or Organization panel to open the Edit Record screen. The information shown in these panels depends on the People Type selected for the record.
- The majority of the fields will open in a fully editable format as displayed above. When you have made all appropriate changes, click the Save button at the bottom right corner. Click the Cancel button to undo any changes made without saving. You can exit the Edit Record screen by clicking the red X at the top right corner.
Address and Phone Book
- Additional addresses, phone numbers, emails, and URLs can be added, edited, or deleted by clicking the
icon for the Address Book or
icon for the Phone Book. Once in the address or phone book, you can indicate which forms of contact information are the primary ones versus secondary. The primary contact information will appear on the main People Profile beneath the record’s profile photo section and is the data that is included in outputs such as search results and exports.
- Each profile allows you to save or attach a photo to the record. Click Change if you want to add or update the photo by selecting one from your computer or the X if you want to remove the image.
- In the Codes panel, 5 flags, 5 keywords, and 5 attributes are displayed. Your top Flags are listed first followed by your most recently added flags and then your most recently added Keywords are listed below, followed by your most recently added Attributes. After the most recent 5 codes are listed, a number such as “5+” will display how many additional flags, keywords, or attributes are attached to the record.
- Click the
button to create a new flag or keyword in People Settings. Once you’ve created that new flag/keyword, you can press the Back button to go back into the people record and use that new code.
- When you click within the Codes panel, the lower half of the profile or panel summary will display a list of all available flags/keywords/attributes in your database and then all flags/keywords/attributes attached to this particular profile. You can select a flag/keyword/attribute from either side and press the arrows left or right to add or remove that code from the record. There are also quick searches available so you can easily find a particular flag/keyword/attribute without having to scroll through the lists.
Giving History
- In the Giving History panel, you will see the Cycle-to-Date total with the number of gifts that equal that amount and the Most Recent contribution amount and date.
- Click the
button to add a new gift under the people profile. Once you’ve added the contribution information in the new money screen, press the Save button. Press the Cancel button if you want to cancel the entry and not save the new information.
- When you click within the Giving History panel, the lower left side of the panel summary will display summary contribution data and analytics such as totals by fund, year, program, and the total a linked spouse has given to active fund codes while the right side of the panel summary will display a list of Recent Gifts.
- When you click a total amount in the left side of the panel summary, it will display a list of the contributions that make up that amount. For example, if you click the $3000 amount for G2018, it will display a list of all the individual contributions this donor gave to G2018 that equals the total amount of $3000.
- When you click a recent gift on the right side of the panel summary, it will open that contribution record so you can view and/or edit money details.
- Click All to see all live gifts or Statement to see gifts that may no longer be live along with the adjustments that have been applied such as refunds or chargebacks.
- When viewing all gifts in a people record, you will see a table that summarizes the totals that donor has given to active fund codes and how much they can still give before they are maxed out in the Remaining column.
- You can filter by Fund code, Source code, Program code, and/or Date in the Gifts view to specify which gifts you would like to view.
- You can filter by Fund code, Adjustment Type, Batch Date, and Adjustment Date in the Statement view to specify which gifts you would like to view.
- Click the
button to view/edit a gift, click the
button to delete a gift, or click the
button to download a receipt. To add a new gift, click the
button. To export gifts to an Excel file, press the
- In the Tasks panel, you will see a count of outstanding tasks and details for the 2 most current outstanding tasks.
- Click the
button to add a new task under the people profile. Once you’ve added the details for the new task, press the Save button. Press the Cancel button if you want to cancel the entry and not save the new information. The 3 required fields in order to save a new task are: the Subject, Type, and Purpose.
- When you click within the Tasks panel, the lower panel summary will display all open tasks. Check the Include Completed checkbox if you want to view both open and completed tasks.
- Click the
button to open and edit a task or click the
button to delete a task. Click
the button to add a new task.
To learn more about Tasks, see the Julep – About Tasks guide on our HelpDesk.
- In the Notes panel, you will see the most current 3 notes listed.
- Click the
button to add a new note under the people profile. Once you’ve added the details for the new note, press the Save button. Press the Cancel button if you want to cancel the entry and not save the new information. The only required field in order to save a new note is the Subject.
- When you click the Notes panel, the lower panel summary will display all existing notes in this profile.
- Click the
button to open and edit a note or click
the button to delete a note. Click
the button to add a new note.
- In the Contacts panel, you will see the total number of contacts within this record as well as contact information for the primary contact.
- Click the
button to add a new contact under the people profile. You can use the Search Existing People Records to search and add an existing people record as a contact or you can enter the contact information into the fields and click the Save button. Press the Cancel button if you want to cancel the entry and not save the information. The only required field in order to save a new contact is the Last Name field.
- When you click the Contacts panel, the lower panel summary will display all existing contacts in this profile.
- The Primary contact will be the record that you can search for in the People Search and the one that appears in the exported search results.
- Click the
button to edit a contact or click the
button to delete a contact. Click the
button to add a new contact.
- In the History panel, you will see the 3 most recent updates to the profile listed.
- When you click the History panel, the lower panel summary will display all historical changes that have occurred in the profile. You will see the date, time, user’s information, table the change occurred on, update type, field name, the old value and then the new value.
- You can use the Period or Update Type filters to find a particular change or use the Search. Click the
button to reset all filters.
- In the Events panel, you will see the total number of events the record was invited to.
- Click the
button to add a people record as an invitee to an existing event. In order to add a record to an event, that event must already exist in the database. Search for the event by Event Code or Event Description, select the Event Status and click the Save button. The other fields available in the Event Participation screen are optional.
- When you click the Events panel, the lower panel summary will display summary event data and analytics such as totals by fund, year, all-time, a bar graph for linked source codes, and a pie chart of event statuses while the right side of the panel summary will display a list of Recent Events.
- When you click a recent event on the right side of the panel summary, it will open that event’s participation details for that people record so you can view and/or edit the invitee’s information.
- Click All to see a list of all events the record was invited to. You can use the Search Events bar to find a particular event, click the
button to open/edit the record’s event participation for an event, or click the
button to delete that record from the event. Click the
button to add the record as an invitee to an existing event.
To learn more about Events, see the Julep – Event Dashboard or Julep – Events Features guides on our HelpDesk.
- In the Pledge panel, you will see the total amount pledged with the number of pledges and the total outstanding amount pledged with the number of outstanding pledges for this people profile.
- Click the
button to add a new pledge under the people profile. Complete the pledge fields and click the Save button or press the Cancel button if you want to cancel the entry and not save the information.
- If a contribution is added to this record with the same Fund Code and Source Code as an existing pledge, Julep will automatically link it as a payment towards that pledge. Payments towards pledges can always be manually linked as well.
- When you click the Pledge panel, the lower panel summary will display summary pledge data and analytics such as totals by fund, year, source code, all-time, and bar graphs showing paid versus outstanding while the right side of the panel summary will display a list of Recent Pledges. Click the
button to add a new pledge to the record.
- When you click a recent pledge on the right side of the panel summary, it will open that pledge’s details so you can view and/or edit the pledge’s information.
- Click All to see a list of all pledges. You can filter by Fund, Source, Has (Has outstanding or Has payment), and Date to specify which pledges you would like to view. Click the
button to open/edit a pledge or click the
button to delete a pledge.
- In the Membership panel, you will see the total number of memberships the people record belongs and memberships that have upcoming renewal dates.
- Click the
button to add a new membership under the people profile. Complete the membership fields and click the Save button or press the Cancel button if you want to cancel the entry and not save the information.
- When you click the Membership panel, the lower panel summary will display summary membership data such as total active memberships, upcoming renewal dates, total primary memberships, total closed memberships, and lists of solicitors linked to particular memberships while the right side of the panel summary will display a list of all Active Memberships. If you want to see closed memberships too, click the Include Closed Memberships toggle. Click the
button to add a new membership to the record.
- When you click a recent membership on the right side of the panel summary, it will open that membership’s details so that you can view and/or edit the membership’s details.
- Click All to see a list of all memberships. You can filter by Primary, Active, or Closed to specify which membership you would like to view. Click
the button to open/edit a membership or click
the button to delete a membership.
Officer Tracking
Advanced fundraising or Officer Tracking in Julep allows you to view all the gifts associated with a fundraiser and the fundraisers he/she has recruited via his/her people record.
The options below only apply to clients with advanced officer settings enabled. Please contact Customer Support for more information.
- In the Officer Tracking panel, you will see the officer’s tracking number, whether they are a gift officer, the total amount they raised, and the total number of gifts associated to their tracking number.
- Click the
button if the people profile does not already have a tracking number and you want to add one.
- When you click the Officer Tracking panel, the officer details window will open where you can view summary officer data and analytics such as the downlines, how much that fundraiser has raised per fund code, how much has been raised this year, last year, and two years ago.
- Click the Edit tab to view and/or make any updates to the officer’s information or click the Fundraiser Group tab to view and/or make any updates to the fundraising groups the officer belongs to.
- Click the Gift tab to see all gifts that are linked to this officer’s tracking number. Click the
button to see the money details for a particular gift or click the
button to export all of these gifts into an Excel file.
- Click the
button to view and print the downlines’ details.
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